Partida Logistic

What is the EUR1 Certificate?

Companies involved in the transport of goods have to keep certain documentation and bureaucracy up to date so that they reach their destination. In this respect, the EUR1 certificate of origin is of great importance due to its characteristics and the advantages it offers.

This is a document that allows tariff treatment for the export of goods from the European Union (EU) and countries with a signed trade agreement. Its importance lies in the fact that this certificate of origin of the merchandise allows preferential treatment in the exemption of the payment of customs duties.

When should I apply for the EUR1 Certificate?

This document must be requested every time a commercial operation is to be carried out with a country with a preferential agreement. If this is not done, it will not be possible to access this right, which the exporting company has in the exemption of tariffs.

Therefore, this certificate has to be requested previously and before the export operation is carried out. In case of doubts, it is always advisable to have a customs agent explain what documents are necessary when exporting and importing.

This professional knows perfectly well the formalities that have to be carried out when it comes to international operations. This document, which is issued by customs in the export declaration, has to inform about the origin of the goods if they are exported from the EU.

What information must be included in the EUR1 certificate?

When exporting goods, it is necessary to submit a series of documents and data in order to carry out this operation. This documentation is subject to regulations, so the required deadlines must be taken into account. This is the information that must be provided to benefit from the exemption.

  • The name and address of the exporting company
  • The name and address of the recipient
  • The country or territory of origin of the merchandise
  • Country of destination
  • The nature and volume of the goods
  • Information related to the means of transportation

With which countries should I present the EUR1 certificate?

This certificate is valid in the member states of the European Union with which there is a Preferential Agreement. Among them we can find the different countries, which we contemplate below according to the different continents.

  • Africa: Tunisia, South Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco.
  • Latin America: Chile, Colombia, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
  • Middle East: Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
  • Europe: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Kosovo, Norway, Macedonia, Serbia, Republic of Moldova, Switzerland and Ukraine.

Undoubtedly, importing from China to Spain is not contemplated. The only exceptions that exist to expedite the process are related to the level of invoicing. In this aspect, the following aspects are contemplated:

  • In case of a transaction of less than 6000 euros, the declaration of origin must be included in the invoice.
  • When working with a specialized operator , he must be authorized.

In summary, the EUR1 certificate of origin is a resource used in the economy to favor international trade in goods and services. Therefore, it has to be issued as proof of origin to obtain the tariff advantages of the agreements signed by the EU in order to favor these transactions. In case of doubts, you can contact our PARTIDA team for a correct advice and to carry out this procedure with all the guarantees.