Partida Logistic

What is a certificate of origin and when is it required?

Any company transporting goods from one country to another territory must know what a certificate of origin is. This documentation is of great importance to ensure the shipment and receipt, as well as to avoid a possible misunderstanding. Therefore, this is a certification that serves to respect commercial policies and identify products.

In international trade, some doubts may arise during the transport of goods. For this reason, before starting to operate in this field, the most convenient thing to do is to know which documents are necessary to export from Spain. In short, all the essential requirements to avoid future problems.

What is a Certificate of Origin?

This formal document is of great importance when carrying out international trade operations. Companies must have all the documentation in order during these transactions, because otherwise, there could be customs holds and delays in the shipment.

The certificate of origin serves to identify the country of manufacture of a good. It is important to point out this aspect, because it should not be confused with the origin or the nation from which the shipment is being sent. Obtaining this information may condition your treatment at customs.

It should also be noted that there are several certificates depending on the origin of the manufactured goods and their preference. In the case of preferential origin, the goods will have this type of tariff treatment, for example, if they enjoy exemptions. If it is a non-preferential certificate, which are the most commonly issued and are usually related to articles manufactured in the EU, they do not require this treatment. Finally, there is certification for products manufactured in a non-EU country, but exported from this geographical area.

How to obtain a certificate of origin

Once we know when the certificate of origin is required, it is also convenient to know how to obtain it. This document is issued by the Chambers of Commerce and the customs authorities of the destination country are responsible for requiring the documentation.

The application is characterized for being a fairly simple procedure, as long as the requirements are met, and it can be done in person or online. The applicant must carry out the procedure at the Chamber of Commerce, since it is the organization recognized as the issuer of this document. For its issuance, it is necessary to present the forms perfectly filled in and to provide the corresponding evidence to justify it.

Information to be provided by the certificate applicant

In the case of the
Customs Agency in Algeciras
as well as if it is another intermediary agent in this legal process, you will have to demand this documentation. In order to be valid, the bearer must provide the following information.

  • Information of the authority that certifies the document, as we have said, will be the local Chamber of Commerce, or in its absence, a consulate, as long as it is empowered.
  • Also, the exporter’s and importer’s data must appear.
  • On the other hand, the characteristics of the merchandise (weight, dimensions, quantity, brand, etc.) must be reflected.
  • The type of packaging must also be shown.
  • Finally, the tariff classification must be added.

Application and deadlines

The validity of the certificate has much to do with the country of destination, for this reason, it is advisable to consult the local Chamber of Commerce. Normally, if the origin is preferential, it has a valid term of four months from issuance. Also, in many cases, the document is valid for one calendar year. This will depend mainly on the country’s political agreements with other nations.

In short, the certificate of origin is a document of great importance for any company operating in international trade. Therefore, to ensure customer satisfaction and avoid customs holds, it is best to have all this documentation up to date and to ask for information in case of doubts.