All goods have an associated code equivalent to their corresponding tariff classification . Today we will delve a little deeper into another very important aspect in the tariff classification of goods, such as BTI and everything that affects it.
How is the tariff classification performed?
It is imperative to know that tariff classification consists of associating a series of numerical characters that are annexed to the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Classification System or to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff.
Today we will not go deeper into this point, which we explained extensively in this other post regarding the
TARIC tariff code
and how goods are classified under the assignment of this number.
The aim of this issue is especially to achieve harmonization in trade within the European Union, so as to simplify customs procedures in the transit of goods and speed up their movement in intra-Community trade.
However, we are going to explain other interesting points for the user who is considering a customs transaction, such as the BTI, which we will see in the following section.
Binding Tariff Information (BTI)
The Binding Tariff Information, also known by its acronym BTI, is vital in trade involving customs clearance, as this document issued by the customs authorities reflects the tariff classification of the goods for which the inquiry has been made.
This document is issued at the request of an economic operator and is valid vis-à-vis any customs body in the European Union. It is also the only way to receive a guarantee from the customs authorities that such merchandise has indeed been assigned this number.
Uses of BTI and Brexit
It will serve, therefore, to correctly identify our merchandise and to know with certainty what the corresponding customs rate is. Thus, in addition to these other requirements, we will be able to know
how to calculate the customs tariffs in Spain
and thus accurately define the total cost of our shipments.
In the case of the
following the UK’s well-known exit from the European Union, these tariff classifications became a matter of study and mandatory for those companies that trade goods and merchandise with the UK, maintaining the current tariff classification.
You will find it especially easy to understand if you consult the post on TARIC mentioned above. Now that we know a little more about this essential document to identify the code of our merchandise, how can we obtain it?
How to apply for the BTI?
The application to obtain the BTI is available on the website of the Tax Agency, and to obtain it we can submit it to the customs authority of the country belonging to the EU or to the customs authority of this same country.
The request must be made in writing and can be processed through the Tax Agency’s Gestiones platform or through the form available on the same website. Once in effect, the BTI will be valid for 3 years, unless the Nomenclature is modified.
Partida Logistics recommends that this type of customs procedures be carried out by a customs representative.
authorized customs representative
authorized as we have been for almost 100 years, to avoid bureaucratic errors that affect the rates or transport times of our customs operation.